Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 Things that Matter in SEO/Page Ranking

SEO/page ranking is not an easy process and requires proper understanding and knowledge on how to go about doing it. There is no short cut when it comes to high ranking and SEO process and apart from the quality of your content and frequent updating of your blog, there are few things that need to be put into consideration and matters most if you are looking forward to making your blog popular and getting high ranking.

The following is a list of 10 things that matters in SEO/Page Ranking

1.         Know the keywords that is been searched for most at that particular time.
2.         Use Google Adword to search for relevant Keywords.  
3.         Know where to place your keyword.
4.         Use the required number of keywords in a page and avoid keyword stuffing.
5.         Use your keywords in your titles (h1) and (h2).
6.         Put a description about your images.  
7.         Link to your older pages.   
8.         Get some backlinks from other websites or blogs.  
9.         Use Metatags and Meta Keywords.
10.       Make your URL engine search friendly.
Lastly, try to stay focused on one topic and avoid mixing contents or different unrelated topics in one blog. Otherwise, you audience/readers will get more confused and will most likely run away rather than coming back for more information.

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