Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blogging Tips - how to blog for beginners

Starting a blog is quite easy, but maintaining that blog with articles that attract potential readers is the most difficult thing. There are few things that I have come to realize that can help someone to attract more audience.  When I started blogging a few months ago,   I thought I was just going to write some articles and then others would follow, but I came to realized that, indeed, I needed to do more in order to achieve the number of audience that I was targeting.
First, you will need to work on improving your writing skills, make sure that the articles that you write are clearly written in proper grammar or at least in a way the audience can be able to get the main message you want to send. If possible, most of your posts should contains atleast a minimum words of 350 and above. This makes your posts to look more professional and meaningful. 

The next step is to study the titles of other bloggers and write topics that seem to attract most readers. Try to participate in discussions found on other blogs by commenting and where possible, leave your contact for related topics that may need follow ups. 

This is not only helpful in getting more audience but you become more away of interesting and relevant topics that you need to write about.

Make your content unique and appealing. This is one of the most important factor that will attract audience to your blog. Avoid flashy colored headlines and hard to understand vocabularies and instead, use simple lay man terms.

If there is something that need to be emphasized, use bulletin or numbers to make it more noticeable among than other text or highlight the text.
Remember, knowledge is power and will help in surviving in this competitive world. Familiarize yourself with the latest news and trends in market and make changes to your previous or current posts where necessary. As you gain more knowledge, you are able to give your best when it comes to writing articles.

Look for field that you are comfortable doing or writing about and by doing so, you will be able to keep up with the interest of your audience. You may decide to have two or more blogs dedicated to different fields or themes but make sure that, you don't have unrelated contents in one blog.

Most readers wants consistency and the minute you start shifting from one topic to another, this can be confusing to readers and you may end up losing most of them.
Lastly, be a good community builder by making sure that you respond to all comments that readers leave in the comment's field. Some readers are looking for specific answers and it would be of much help to them if you could answer back their concerns.  

Related Post
What Not To Do in a Blog 



  1. Well, Be careful in choosing the topic for the blog. Ensure that you are familiar with the topic. Also ensure that you are offering something useful for the visitor. Your blog should be able to provide some sort useful information.

    1. If your blog lacks anything unique at all, then you have nothing new to offer which is not the right way to success in this world of blogging.
