Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is Keyword

Keyword remain one of the most important components of SEO process. They are basically what the search engines use to match against the available search string when someone is searching for information on the web. Having the right keyword is crucial and important  if you want to succeed in SEO process.

There are various tools that can help you in knowing what keyword are people using while searching for information on the web. On such tool is the Google Adword (Keyword tool). You can read my previous post on how to find keywords for your blog or website.

Specific words and phrases make it easy for search engines to rank your site rather than using general words but the keywords that you choose to use must represent what is found on your blog. Otherwise, you may end up with a high bounce rate which is not good for page ranking.
The other thing to consider is the URL and file name of your website or blog.This is one point that I missed out when was giving a URL name of this blog. Af first, I was thinking of writing about reviews but in between, I decided to focus on blogging and SEO. By that time, my blog was already indexed and it was hard for me to start all over. That is the reason why I decided to stick to the blog URL name even though I am writing on different topics.

Avoid doing the same mistake that I made. If you are starting a blog, it is advisable that your URL should be related to what you are discussing in your blog. It should be made of atleast 3 keywords which best describes you blog contents.

The next step is to make your site keyword rich. You don’t have to fill your site with keywords but knowing where the keywords fit well will make your site more meaningful to your readers and at the same time, increases the chances of your page getting a good page ranking.  Do not also forget to include keywords in titles, headings and the first paragraph. Keywords found at the top of page are better than the one found at the bottom of the page.   

Lastly, don't overstock your website with keywords. A reasonable number of keyword like 5 or 10 will just be fine.  If you overstock your blog with so many keywords just for the sake of ranking, you will be sending your readers away. You are also likely to get your blog penalized for keyword stuffing.


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